
A story of lost love in a post apocalyptic zombie filled world. This is a zombie indie film unlike the many slash gore horror fests out there. If you like your horror films intelligent and thought provoking then this is the movie for you.

Wasteland by UK Derby Film production company “Light Films” is a suspenseful feature length drama. This film has something for everyone wether you like zombie films or not. It is a zombie film yes, but it is so much more. The story/script written by Tommy Draper explores one man’s view of the solitude and hardship of survival. The feelings of loss and isolation. The fear of being alive and the fear of dying. There is depth to this movie that most films of this genre don’t go to. Director Tom Wadlow, Producer Chrissa Wadlow and the team have pulled off an extraordinary feat in making this thought challenging and emotionally heart wrenching film for very little expense.

This film is dark and at times claustrophobic but it never loses sight of the narrative. This character driven movie is headed up by scott played admirably by Shameer Seepersand in the lead role and his love interest Beth played by Jessica Messenger. Both give sterling performances although Shameer steals the show giving a blistering performance.

Wasteland is available now either on VOD just about everywhere or DVD and BLURAY at Amazon in the states and Germany. Japan also have released this film under the title Walking Z

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